Georgina Szilagyi



During the first part of my Fellowship my activity had both a research oriented and a policy component. The first aim was to assess the economic, social, political and cultural dimensions of the research problem. The second objective was to look for the possibilities to build a coalition of political, civil, administrative and other stakeholders in order to promote international and regional cross border co-operation efforts in the field of harmonisation of the regulations concerning labour migration and social security.

The research work done during this period included:

- Comparative analysis of legislation and policies concerning cross border labour migration and social security in Romania, Hungary and the Ukraine

The indicators measured included:

The main research techniques employed has been:

1.Analysis of relevant statistical and other information included in official documents, journals, newspapers and specialized literature in the field

2. Empirical data collected by various methods


So far I fulfilled the data collecting process. In the next stage my efforts will focus on the elaboration of unitary criteria for research data analysis and interpretation; statistical analysis of survey data; discussion and comparative interpretation of survey and interview results and further refining my typology of cross border migration and migrants. 

During my research work I was assisted by my external mentor Professor Csaba Béres of the University of Debrecen and his colaborators from the Department of Sociology , who provided previous research data regarding cross-border co-operation and facilitated contacts and interviews with key stakeholders in Hungary. In the same time, I contacted specialists from the University of Ujgorod (Ukraine), who helped with background information, with facilitating access to documents and in establishing contacts.

Simultaneously with my field research, with the help of my external mentor Zsolt Szilagyi, a member of the Romanian Parliament, I identified and contacted the key institutions and decision-makers in Romania: the specialised committees of the Parliament, the ministries, and the local governments. My external mentor was of much help also in providing information concerning current legislation in the field and in discussing possible directions for policy action. The interviews with local government representatives also provided an opportunity for debating policy issues related to the necessity and possibilities for the harmonisation of legislative and institutional frameworks.

As a first step towards this process in April 2002, a first meeting of the heads of county level administrative agencies dealing with labour and social security issues from the neighbouring Bihor (Romania) and Hajdú-Bihar (Hungary) regions held a meeting in Oradea. It was agreed to continue the consultations in order to identify solutions for dealing with illegal labour migration and the possibility to co-operate in this field.

In the second part of my fellowship, I intend to finalize the comparative interpretation of survey and interview results. I am planning to present and discuss the results of my research at the forthcoming seminar to be organized within the framework of this fellowship program. The seminar will be attended by researchers in the field of cross-border co-operation, representatives from the central and local governments, employers and NGO leaders. The seminar will formulate suggestions regarding the improvement of existing legislation and the harmonisation of legal and institutional framework. These will be published and distributed to policy makers in the concerned countries and regions.
